The Institute is committed to promoting the transformation process in South Africa. We have held many programmes and activities to drive this process. We also strive on an ongoing basis to expose our membership to leading technical and management technology including best practices e.g. newsletters, brochures, and pamphlets from the International Federation of Environmental Health and other countries. Our training, workshops, and symposia focuses on community participation and customer needs and also fostering a culture of service delivery to our communities. Our many Continued Professional Development (CPDs) activities to update and ensure that our Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) are fully equipped to deal with the new challenges in environmental health practices.

The SAIEH is faced with many challenges. In the diverse and dynamic field of Environment Health in South Africa, it is imperative for the SAIEH to take up these challenges by playing a leading role in the field of Environmental Health. The Institute is involved in the following:
- Restructuring of health services Nationally, Provincially, and Locally.
- The establishment of the District Health System – structures in certain areas.
- Transformation of Environmental Health Services.
- Input into the legislation of health services at National, Provincial and Local levels.
- Input into Training Institution’s curricula.
- Providing advice and guidance to Government, Community Organisations, Training, and Educational Institutions.
- Fostering international relations with other Institutes and Municipalities.
- The Institute is currently negotiating with the National Department of Health to encourage its members to undertake research.
- On an ongoing basis, the Institute holds workshops, seminars, and conferences on various aspects of Environmental Health thus updating Environmental Health Practitioners with information and knowledge in this field, Industries, Businesses, and Communities are all involved with the Institute in these workshops and conferences.
- Assist with the drafting of standard by-laws and other matters relating to Environmental Health for S.A.L.G.A., National and Provincial Departments.
- SAIEH has been involved in input on the National Health Amendment Bill, Provincial Health Act, the Food Act, and various other pieces of legislation.
- Play an active part on the Advisory Committees of Training Institutions dealing with Environmental Health.
- Played an active role in the formation of the National Environmental Health Forum – advisory body for the Minister of Health.

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs)
Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) ensure that all the physical environments in which we work, eat, live and play are safe. They all have the same common goal: to protect human health by minimising risks, and eliminating dangers, in the natural and built environments.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a combination of approaches, ideas, and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth. The focus of CPD is firmly on results and the benefits that professional development can bring you in the real world.