
The General Secretary of South African Institute of Environmental Health, David Nemakonde, won the best oral presenter award, during the World Congress on Environmental Health in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 24 August 2022. His presentation was on Sustainable Development Goals’ Smart village concept pilot in rural community.
The presentation was focus on assisting poor communities as they remain poor because of the cycle of poverty. In the presentation, it was indicated that SAIEH has partnered with Tombolo energy aimed at breaking cycle of poverty through the introduction of smart technologies, renewable energy solutions and business models that will catalyse a change in behaviour and lead to a reduction in carbon emissions, reduction in the degradation of the environment, improvement in education, improvement in health and improvements in economic indicators.
The main idea of the concept is to break reliance on firewood through introduction of clean stove, save time for female and children and eliminate collection of firewood and water, provide access to information and education, improve agricultural efficiency, and enhance revenue potential. Furthermore, the project’s main objectives is to improved health through smokeless cooking, training and skills development, reduction in health risk and mortality from waterborne diseases, and improved health care access.